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Certainly! Pagination is a useful technique employed in user interfaces to present large amounts of information in a structured and manageable way. When dealing with substantial volumes of data, such as search results, articles, or product listings, presenting it all at once can overwhelm users and lead to a poor user experience. Pagination allows you to divide the information into smaller, organized chunks, enhancing user engagement and ease of navigation. This module allows you to create a pagination with a few lines of code.


$ npm i @necord/pagination necord discord.js


Once the installation process is complete, we can import the NecordPaginationModule with your NecordModule into the root AppModule:

import { NecordModule } from 'necord';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NecordPaginationModule } from '@necord/pagination';
import { AppService } from './app.service';

imports: [
intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildMessages', 'DirectMessages']
// Change your buttons appearance
buttons: {},
// Add buttons for skip to first and last page
allowSkip: true,
// Add buttons for search page
allowTraversal: true,
// Define the buttons position (start / end)
buttonsPosition: "end"
providers: [AppService]
export class AppModule {}

Then, we can inject the PaginationService into our service and register a pagination handler:

import { OnModuleInit, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NecordPaginationService, PageBuilder } from '@necord/pagination';
import { Context, SlashCommand, SlashCommandContext } from 'necord';

export class AppService implements OnModuleInit {
public constructor(private readonly paginationService: NecordPaginationService) {

public onModuleInit(): void {
return this.paginationService.register(builder =>
// Required, need for search your builder
// First way to set pages
new PageBuilder().setContent('Page 1'),
new PageBuilder().setContent('Page 2'),
new PageBuilder().setContent('Page 3'),
new PageBuilder().setContent('Page 4'),
new PageBuilder().setContent('Page 5')
// Second way, you can manually set pages using `setPages` method
.setPagesFactory(page => new PageBuilder().setContent(`Page ${page}`))
// Optional, only if you want to use pages factory

@SlashCommand({ name: 'pagination', description: 'Test pagination' })
public async onPagination(@Context() [interaction]: SlashCommandContext) {
const pagination = this.paginationService.get('test');
const page = await pagination.build();

return interaction.reply(page);

Congratulations! You have successfully created your first pagination! Just use pagination command and you will see your pagination!

You can view a working example here.