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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Here you can find the Necord's frequently asked questions
Enjoy and take a look at the frequently asked questions on Discord.JS \

For any questions consider joining our Discord server.
Or add the official Necord bot to take a look at help tag commands


How I can have 2 or more bots in the same application/process?

You can't, Necord doesn't support multiple bots because Rate limits are determined based on the IP address of the sender. - If your bot shares its IP with other bots it will share their rate limits. - This is a common caveat with shared hosting providers and free plans!

Dynamic, Conditional, and Async Command Configuration

How I can add | remove | modify commands or any interaction
Dynamic configuration with Async
Conditional registration

  • You can disable Necord's commands auto-registration with the option skipRegistration: true in NecordModule and create your own registration service
  • An example of custom registration service can be found here